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When job and batch status needs to be monitored, their statuses can be pulled. Another option is to use job component notifications, posted to one of Radix application components.

The URL to the Radix application component or job component endpoint can be specified in the webhook option in the notifications section in the radixconfig.yaml. This is an endpoint where a Radix batch events will be posted when any of the running jobs or batches for this job component changes states. Notification about changes are sent by a POST method with an application/json ContentType with a Radix batch event format, which extends the Radix batch status format with fields

  • name - internal name of the batch or a single job. In both cases the name begins with batch-
  • batchId - optional string value to identify a batch.
  • created, started, ended - timestamp of corresponding batch live cycle event
  • status - status of a batch or a single job
  • updated - timestamp when a status was updated
  • event:
    • Create - this event is sent when a new Radix batch or job is created.
    • Update - this event is sent when an existing Radix batch or one of its jobs, including single job, has changed state.
    • Delete - this event is sent when an existing Radix batch or job is deleted.
  • batchType:
    • job - single job
    • batch - batch of jobs
  • jobStatuses - list of statuses of only changed jobs. This list can be empty when the common properties are changed (e.g. only started, status).

Fields in the jobStatus list items:

  • jobId - optional name, specified for the job within JobDescription
  • batchName - name of a batch for job in a batch. It is not provided for single jobs.
  • podStatuses - list of status and attributes of one or several job pods (replicas). If the job's replica failed and job-component has backoffLimit greater then 0, podStatus contains exitCode and reason for failed pods. podIndex gives an order of pod statuses (starting from 0)
    • In the podStatuses replica attribute image should be the same for all pods, but imageId can be different, if this image was updated within a period of different pods starts.

notifications and webhook can be specified on a job component configuration level and/or on environmentConfig level. Property in the environmentConfig will override those on the component level, if present.

  • Only a Radix application component or job component name and their ports can be used in the webhook URL
  • Only private ports of the specified component can be used, public ports cannot be used for this purpose.
- name: frontend
src: frontend
- name: http
port: 8001
- name: job-monitoring
port: 8002
publicPort: http
- name: compute
schedulerPort: 8080
webhook: http://frontend:8002

Radix batch event

"name": "batch-compute-20220302155333-hrwl53mw",
"batchId": "random-batch-id-123",
"created": "2022-03-02T15:53:33+01:00",
"started": "2022-03-02T15:53:33+01:00",
"ended": "2022-03-02T15:54:00+01:00",
"status": "Succeeded",
"updated": "2022-03-02T15:54:00+01:00",
"jobStatuses": [
"jobId": "job1",
"batchName": "batch-compute-20220302155333-hrwl53mw",
"name": "batch-compute-20220302155333-hrwl53mw-fjhcqwj7",
"created": "2022-03-02T15:53:36+01:00",
"started": "2022-03-02T15:53:36+01:00",
"ended": "2022-03-02T15:53:56+01:00",
"status": "Succeeded",
"updated": "2022-03-02T15:53:56+01:00",
"podStatuses": [
"name": "batch-compute-20220302155333-hrwl53mw-fjhcqwj7-5sfnl",
"created": "2022-03-02T15:53:36Z",
"startTime": "2022-03-02T15:53:36Z",
"endTime": "2022-03-02T15:53:56Z",
"containerStarted": "2022-03-02T15:53:36Z",
"replicaStatus": {
"status": "Succeeded"
"image": "",
"imageId": "",
"exitCode": 0,
"reason": "Completed"
"jobId": "job2",
"batchName": "batch-compute-20220302155333-hrwl53mw",
"name": "batch-compute-20220302155333-hrwl53mw-qjzykhrd",
"created": "2022-03-02T15:53:39+01:00",
"started": "2022-03-02T15:53:39+01:00",
"ended": "2022-03-02T15:53:56+01:00",
"status": "Succeeded",
"updated": "2022-03-02T15:53:56+01:00",
"podStatuses": [
"name": "batch-compute-20220302155333-hrwl53mw-qjzykhrd-5sfnl",
"created": "2022-03-02T15:53:39Z",
"startTime": "2022-03-02T15:53:40Z",
"endTime": "2022-03-02T15:53:56Z",
"containerStarted": "2022-03-02T15:53:40Z",
"replicaStatus": {
"status": "Succeeded"
"image": "",
"imageId": "",
"exitCode": 0,
"reason": "Completed"